Why Your Website Is So Important

Carlene Kelsey

The Importance of Having a Website This Year That Represents You 24/7 Online

Last year taught us many things, but here are a few reasons why you should get serious about your website sooner than later. Lockdown kept us indoors and Stay-at-home orders and Shelter-in-place restricts are still happening in this first quarter of 2021.  These are strange times we live in, and it’s an adjustment to everyone I know and do business with for sure!

1. You need to build your Business and build your trust to your potential clients.

Since COVID19 hit, there is a lot less in-person customer contact occurring in business, and you need to find a way to develop trust for your product and services.  A professional website shows that you are trustworthy and credible to your visitors.  It needs to be modern, clean, fresh and professional. In review, your website is the place for you to build trust between your customers and your brand/business. Keep it updated and continue to add content to it on a regular basis, otherwise you risk losing credibility and clients.

2. Online shoppers and folks researching companies are looking for “real” businesses to connect with in 2021.

They will visit your website to learn more about your business/brand and must be able to find answers to their questions before ever reaching out to you.  Your website must have a blog (a component of your website) that helps answer questions and provides current information on your specials, sales, events, accolades, a way to contact you etc.

3. A professional website compliments your brick-and-mortar business. Ask yourself if you were ready to keep your business open, without in person visitors? If the answer was no, and you were left scrambling in 2020, then hopefully, you see the value of putting a full service website in place to compliment your business very soon.

.  You can learn more about my packages and programs by visiting >>https://carlenekelsey.biz/Carlene-Kelseys-Services.

If you are ready to have a conversation about your website improvements and needs, just set up an appointment to speak with Carlene Today:

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