Marketing & Promoting Your Business for Free using these 17 Ideas

Carlene Kelsey

Okay….so you have your product or service created, now it’s time to let the world know

It exists and why you created it in the first place.

Hopefully, you are using Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter because they are perfect avenues to announce your efforts to the world.

Local community events and organizations is another way to bring your product or service out into the world.

There are many options and I’m going to list just 17 ideas that you can try for Free, today.

  • Host a Podcast
  • Instagram Posts
  • Facebook Events
  • Facebook Groups
  • A Facebook Page
  • Instagram Stories
  • Instagram Reels
  • YouTube
  • YouTube Live
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Be a Webinar
  • Start your own Blog
  • Pinterest Group Boards
  • Be a Podcast Guest
  • Twitter
  • Twitter Group Chats

BONUS:  Clubhouse- Join and start up some helpful conversations

So…. My advice is to start spreading the word and pick at least 3 Social Media channels and be active, Consistent, and informative. These should be the ones where your Ideal Client hangs out.

Success will most likely come your way in no time.

If you are needing some help with your Social Media, reach out and set up a complimentary call with me to see how we can support each other 👉


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