
Posts by Carlene Kelsey

How to Create a WordPress Author Box for Your Blog Posts on your Wordpress Website

How to Create a WordPress Author Box for Your Blog Posts on your Wordpress Website

Why do this? Demonstrates professionalism and credibility. Your Posts will look more legit with a name, profile pic & personal...

ideal client avatar

How Well Do You Know Your Ideal Client Avatar?

If there’s one mistake that new—and sometimes even established—business owners make, it’s this: failing to develop a clear vision of...

7 Tips for SEO

7 Tips For Learning and Mastering SEO and Rank Higher on Google

So you’ve been trying to figure out an easy way to understand SEO for a while now. Here are the...

Why Choose Wordpress

Why You Should Use Wordpress.org For Your CMS

The top 5 reasons why I like WordPress.org as a web designer are: It’s free software and open-source.  Anyone can...

8 ways-repurpose

8 Ways To Repurpose Your Content

Content planning is essential to any business.  When you want to gain maximum online visibility, you should consider these 8...

Social Media

Best times to Post to Social Media

I get asked this question a lot….”When should I post to my Social Media accounts?”   And the answer is ….....


Is Your Business Suffering Because You Are Stuck?

6 Tips to Get Out of a Slump or Bad Mood 1) Talk a walk in nature. Take a brisk...

17 Marketing Ideas

17 Marketing Ideas You Can Try Right Now

Here are 17 Marketing Ideas You Can Implement Right Now to Improve & Grow Your Business. Every one of these...

sm marketing tips

5 To Do & 5 Not To Do Social Media Tips

It’s the start of a New Year and probably time to refresh all your social media profiles, pages, etc.  So...

scheduling tool

Why Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool?

Here are just a few reasons why it’s a smart idea to use a Social Media Scheduler/Management Tool for your...

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