
How affordable is Facebook Advertising for My Business?

I’ll advise you to “start where you are” and with just $5 a day you can create valuable opportunities to generate leads and increase traffic to your website using Facebook and Instagram Ads.

There’s a huge misconception that you need a ton of money to advertise on Facebook and Instagram. The truth is that you can build a very successful campaign if you run a continuous 30 day ad for the month. The monthly cost would only be $150-$155.

The key is to start out with a small budget and then gradually scale and optimize your campaign budget. You may need to raise your daily budget by 20% after 3 or 4 days, if you are not seeing results.

The first decision you need to make is to choose the right campaign objective, or goal. Make sure your copy, creative, and call to action are all clearly aligned with your objective. Getting through the “learning phase” is necessary, which requires 50 actions i.e. video views, link clicks, page likes etc.

When you set up your ad campaign in Ads Manager (www.facebook.com/adsmanager) use a very targeted audience. Remember the platform is set up as an auction, so you only want to show your ads to the people you really want to reach. You’ll want to look for an estimated audience of between 2 and 40 million. 

Turn on Detailed Targeting and list a few (up to 5 or 6) Interests to further down who will see your advertisement.

Use automatic placements where your ad will appear on 5 platforms, Instagram, Facebook, What’s Ap, Messenger and the Audience Network (a series of Mobile Aps that have ads running on them).

Be sure to set up the Facebook Pixel on your Wordpress Website, so you can then capture the website traffic visitors that come from Facebook. You’ll be able to create a Custom and Lookalike Audience once you get to approx, 800 or 1,000 visitors in a 28 day period.

Don’t be afraid to test different creatives. That is, short form videos (up to 3 minutes) carousels (a few images that can be flipped through) and a single image. Each creative could possibly get you a different result and knowing which one works best is beneficial for future ads.

Become aware of the Facebook Funnel and bring your followers along for the journey. 


So my advice would be, do not be afraid to start using Facebook and Instagram Ads to Grow and Scale your Business.

When it just seems too overwhelming, I can help you with “done-for-you” and “done-with-you” packages. Get in touch with me via email: hello@DesertDigitalAdGroup.com to explore your Facebook Ad options.

Or you can grab my Facebook & Instagram Ad Guide Here 👉👉 bit.ly/3P6xzOv

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