
Why You Should Use Wordpress.org For Your CMS

The top 5 reasons why I like WordPress.org as a web designer are:

  1. It’s free software and open-source.  Anyone can download it and create a stunning site for your business
  2. It adapts well to any kind of website, a blog, an eCommerce site, a Membership Site, a business site etc.
  3. It supports all types of media- images, videos, articles, audio, and documents.
  4. You can change the design to make it uniquely you and scale up your site with Plugins.
  5. It is easy to learn and doesn’t take a genius to manage and update on a regular basis.
  6. BONUS:  WordPress is known for having SEO built into the platform. It generates title tags and meta descriptions for all pages and posts.  This lets the search engines know about your content and it will get you indexed and potentially moved up in the rankings.

There is a lot to setting up a WordPress site, but once you are clear on your brand, theme, and content, maintaining and adding new content is something anyone can learn to do.

Why choose Wordpress.org?  See these stats below that will show that WordPress is the clear leader.

Here are the top usage stats of the top 10 Content Management Systems on the Web:

  1. Wordpress = 39.6%
  2. Shopify = 3.2%
  3. Joomla = 2.2%
  4. Drupal = 1.5%
  5. Wix = 1.5%
  6. Squarespace = 1.5%
  7. Bitrix = 1%
  8. Blogger = 1%
  9. Magento = .7%
  10. OpenCart = .6%

Source: W3Techs, Hosting Tribunal

If you just don’t have the time to devote to getting your business website online, then let me know as I can help you with that.  Reach out via Email @ CAK@CarleneKelsey.biz or set up a good time to talk via Zoom: https://carlenekelsey.biz/consult.


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