5 Quick Landing Page Tips

Carlene Kelsey

5 Quick Landing Page Tips You Can Implement Right NOW!

  1. Make sure your landing page looks good on Mobile. In today’s world almost everyone is looking on their mobile device first and foremost. You’ll lose the visitor if the text runs off the screen, or the images don’t display correctly.  This is awfully important in 2021 as experts predict that US citizens spend close to 4 hours a day on their mobile devices and only 3.5 hours watching television!  YIKES!
  2. Put your important information first, above the fold. Just like when you send an email, you want to be certain that the actionable info is first and make this information stand out. Other information like, case studies, testimonials, galleries of your work, logos etc. can appear further down on the page.
  3. Keep the page layout simple, and straight forward. Leave some white space on the page and never ask for more information than you absolutely need.  Usually First Name (or full name) and email address will give you the best ROI.
  4. Include Social Proof and Customer feedback. If you have reviews on Yelp, Google, and other platforms, use the embed codes or link to them from your landing pages, using logos.  They must be related to your page title, so as not to confuse the visitor.
  5. Build your landing pages for SEO rankings. Make certain the image or video used has a Unique URL, Header tag, a Title tag,  and a unique name that makes sense with the page title, Complete the Meta description (in your page’s SEO plugin) and add internal backlinks to other blog posts that are relevant to your landing page.
  6. BONUS: Add your Social Media Profiles/Pages/Groups to the page so visitors have a way of connecting with you. I recently did this and my landing page turned out to be the most popular gift for a giveaway I had entered! Not sure that was 100% why I won the top prize in this category, but it might have helped!

You can learn more about my packages by visiting>> https://carlenekelsey.biz/carlene-kelseys-services.

If you have any questions about creating a landing page or a business website, I’d be happy to speak with you on this.  Just go here and schedule a good time for you >> https://carlenekelsey.as.me/consult.


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